About Me

Saturday, July 20, 2013

We are tourists in our own Hometown

This lovely chick and I enjoy long walks on the beaches of Newport, People watching on the Pier, and Chocolate shakes at the Ruby's Shake Shack. We were made to live near the beaches that tourists travel to every year. It makes the people watching absolutely prime. Seriously.

Lauren and I love each other 

She doesn't necessarily love my siblings though(just kidding ha.)

We are suckers for anything red, white, and blue. Especially animals.

Oh baby we hot.

And of course the most tourist-like of all.
Balboa Bars from Newport Beach

Monday, July 15, 2013


I have a recent obsession with watching and making videos of the things I experience. 
To me a video is 10 thousand times better than any picture. 
Saying this, I didn't have this obsession until after my family's trip to Hawaii. But that's quite alright because guess what?! My dad may be horrible at filming, but I still love watching this video over and over again. Enjoy it thoroughly and know that the next video I make will be magical.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We are Mighty to Save

Church camps are always a part of my Summer Adventures. I love being able to spend a week growing closer to the Lord as well as closer to over 20 strangers. It's one week I never forget.

Our EFY Church Camp always involves..

Cute girls

12 crazy, uncontrollable girls

Hot boys

Cookies and Cream Milk from the BYU Creamery

Bonding experiences over a tub of ice cream

Counselors who love to model

Random "take a picture of us!" moments
Long walks to our meeting spot

Tripleting pictures

Amazing roommates

Girls from where you live

Cousin counselors.. whaa??
Bathroom selfies

Candid moments

Too many cameras to choose which one to look at
Also, Duck faces-Thanks Spencer!

Escorting with cute boys

"What are we doing? Wait, take a picture!" Moments

Again, Attractive boys

The best girls

Twerking roommates and Late nights

First-time counselors who acted like a pro

Sibling shots?? 

Girls from across the country, as well as counselors

People you meet that week that you become super close with 

Final Goodbyes

Poptarts for breakfast

Goodbye Mighty to Save! 

Until our reunion in Hawaii

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Two of us are always Adventuring

My best friend and I are currently on an adventure. 
On Saturday, we woke up early and traveled to St. George, Utah. It wasn't too long of a drive and we were able to get some ice cream from Arctic Circle for lunch. We then headed to Cedar City where we visited my friend's grandma. She was the sweetest lady, and has the coolest clothes that we tried on. Even though we were dying from heat exhaustion.

We then drove up to Lauren's family cabin and hiked around the area to a small pond. This hike was lots of fun and the scenery was beautiful, besides the gross bugs.
On our drive home, we saw a Shakespearean festival going on. Basically a bunch of hippies get together and sell stuff they've made, eat lots of food, listen to good music, and ride a mechanical bull. Lauren and I both got similar Fourth of July bracelets. The fair was so cute and random. 
After all of our adventures, we went back to St. George where we ate dinner at The Pizza Factory(it has bomb breadsticks) with Lauren's mom's best friend from high school. Her husband was hilarious, and the family was really sweet.
We ended the night with a trip to visit the St. George temple before going swimming and watching Mama. Oh, and having boys creepily stare at us as we picked out breakfast from the grocery store.

On Sunday, we woke up early to drive to Draper, Utah where Lauren's brother lives. We visited with him for a few minutes and then walked around Temple Square. It was so peaceful. 

The rest of the day was spent playing sudoku, going grocery shopping, and walking around a nearby duck pond. 

So far I love Utah and the adventures have only begun.